Tuesday, March 2, 2010

At your "public" Service

Agriculture is very complex to explore and to develop. It is a series of chains from the soil condition, seeds to be used, fertilizers, timing, weather condition, human labor, and farm management. But where do we really begin? When the problem in productivity arises? When the quality of soil is becoming deteriorated? When the price of the produce is going down because of globalization? What would our farmers expect? I believe that farmer empowerment through a very focused and site specific approach of farming education is very vital to strengthen the chain of the farming system. In our sugarcane industry, increasing the productivity is being pushed. The cost of production has soar in the past years, fuel, fertilizers and other inputs. Where do we begin to solve and even make more money for the farmers? One of the thrust of the SRA-ESTD is to link to possible sources both from private and public sector in creating a solution and making it work. Planter's education is being brought at the door step of every interested farmer in our district. Testimonials from their co-planters (neighbors) inspires and give a motivation that it can be achieved. In this time of precision agriculture, we cannot afford to wastes our resources, abuse the productivity of our soil and always put the blame unto others. Let us deliver and continuously innovate and adapt the proven/viable solutions.

Productivity, profitability, and progressively we can. These are the key characteristics that has been abusively used when we talk about improving agriculture. But are we doing it? What will be our part? We are all created with a purpose, so that the Almighty Creator can reap a harvest on us.

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